Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский

to be committed

  • 1 committed

    adjective (pledged to do, or to support, something: He was committed to looking after his uncle; He is a committed socialist.) empenhado
    * * *
    [kəm'itəd] adj 1 completamente leal. 2 comprometido, que deu a palavra.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > committed

  • 2 committed

    adjective (pledged to do, or to support, something: He was committed to looking after his uncle; He is a committed socialist.) comprometido

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > committed

  • 3 to be committed for trial

    to be committed for trial
    ser entregue a um júri para ser julgado.
    to be committed for trial
    ser submetido a julgamento.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to be committed for trial

  • 4 to upbraid someone for the faults committed

    to upbraid someone for the faults committed
    censurar alguém pelos erros cometidos.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to upbraid someone for the faults committed

  • 5 commit

    past tense, past participle - committed; verb
    1) (to perform; to do (especially something illegal): He committed the murder when he was drunk.) cometer
    2) (to hand over (a person) to an institution etc for treatment, safekeeping etc: committed to prison.) entregar
    3) (to put (oneself) under a particular obligation: She has committed herself to looking after her dead brother's children till the age of 18.) comprometer-se
    - committal
    - committed
    * * *
    [kəm'it] vt+vi 1 confiar, entregar, consignar, depositar. 2 confinar, encerrar. 3 submeter (a consideração de um comitê). 4 cometer, perpetrar. 5 empenhar(-se), comprometer(-se), envolver(-se). to be committed for trial ser entregue a um júri para ser julgado. to commit an at of bankruptcy abrir falência. to commit to memory decorar. to commit oneself to comprometer-se a. to commit to paper anotar por escrito. to commit to prison encarcerar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > commit

  • 6 commit

    past tense, past participle - committed; verb
    1) (to perform; to do (especially something illegal): He committed the murder when he was drunk.) cometer
    2) (to hand over (a person) to an institution etc for treatment, safekeeping etc: committed to prison.) entregar
    3) (to put (oneself) under a particular obligation: She has committed herself to looking after her dead brother's children till the age of 18.) comprometer-se
    - committal - committed

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > commit

  • 7 act

    [ækt] 1. verb
    1) (to do something: It's time the government acted to lower taxes.) agir
    2) (to behave: He acted foolishly at the meeting.) portar-se
    3) (to perform (a part) in a play: He has acted (the part of Romeo) in many theatres; I thought he was dying, but he was only acting (= pretending).) representar
    2. noun
    1) (something done: Running away is an act of cowardice; He committed many cruel acts.) acto
    2) ((often with capital) a law: Acts of Parliament.) decreto
    3) (a section of a play: `Hamlet' has five acts.) acto
    4) (an entertainment: an act called `The Smith Family'.) número
    - actor
    - act as
    - act on
    - act on behalf of / act for
    - in the act of
    - in the act
    - put on an act
    * * *
    [ækt] n 1 ato, ação. 2 feito, procedimento, obra. 3 divisão de uma peça teatral. 4 número de programa (circo, variedades). 5 decreto, lei, decisão legislativa. 6 auto, documento. • vi 1 agir, atuar, proceder. 2 funcionar. this lock won’t act / esta fechadura não funciona. 3 portar-se, conduzir-se. 4 comportar-se, fingir-se, simular. 5 influir, influenciar, produzir efeito. the medicine did not act / o remédio não fez efeito. 6 desempenhar (um papel), representar. the play acts well / a peça agrada, a peça desenvolve-se bem no palco. act and deed documento legal. act of faith ato de fé. act of God força maior. act of grace ato de clemência. act of Parliament ata de parlamento. in the act em flagrante. to act as, to act for substituir, fazer o serviço de, desempenhar o papel de. to act by agir para com (uma pessoa). to act on, upon ter efeito sobre, influenciar. to act out expressar em ações. children act out what they see / as crianças expressam em ações o que vêem. to act up 1 agir de maneira diferente do normal ou esperado. 2 comportar-se de maneira volúvel. 3 apresentar defeito. my washer often acts up / minha lavadora apresenta defeito com freqüência. to act up to agir de acordo com.
    abbr 1 active (ativo). 2 actor (ator). 3 actual (real).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > act

  • 8 alibi

    (the fact or a statement that a person accused of a crime was somewhere else when it was committed: Has he an alibi for the night of the murder?) álibi
    * * *
    ['ælibai] n 1 Jur álibi, contraprova. to establish one’s alibi / apresentar o seu álibi. 2 Amer coll desculpa, escusa. • vi coll Amer apresentar desculpas.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > alibi

  • 9 atrocity

    noun (an extremely cruel and wicked act: The invading army committed many atrocities.) atrocidade
    * * *
    [ətr'ɔsiti] n 1 atrocidade, crueldade, perversidade. 2 brutalidade, ação atroz ou desumana, bestialidade. 3 coll erro grande, disparate, sandice.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > atrocity

  • 10 blunder

    1. verb
    1) (to stumble (about or into something): He blundered into the door.) tropeçar
    2) (to make a (bad) mistake: He really blundered when he insulted the boss's wife.) cometer um erro
    2. noun
    (a (bad) mistake.) erro
    * * *
    [bl'∧ndə] n asneira, erro grave ou estúpido. he committed a blunder / ele cometeu um erro grave. • vi+vt 1 errar, cometer um erro grave, fazer uma asneira. 2 estragar, deitar a perder, fazer errado. 3 mover-se de modo desajeitado, tropeçar, cambalear. 4 cometer rata, falar irrefletidamente. to blunder out expressar-se de forma infeliz. to blunder upon encontrar, achar por acaso.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > blunder

  • 11 crime

    1. noun
    1) (act(s) punishable by law: Murder is a crime; Crime is on the increase.) crime
    2) (something wrong though not illegal: What a crime to cut down those trees!) crime
    2. noun
    (a person who has been found guilty of a crime.) criminoso
    * * *
    [kraim] n 1 crime, delito. he committed a crime / ele cometeu um crime. 2 pecado. capital crime crime capital. crime against humanity crime contra a humanidade: atrocidade contra um grupo ou povo. crime against nature sodomia.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > crime

  • 12 culpable

    (deserving blame; guilty: She was the one who committed the crime but he was culpable also.) culpado
    * * *
    [k'∧lpəbəl] adj culpável, censurável.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > culpable

  • 13 deport

    ((of a government etc) to send (a person) out of the country eg because he has committed a crime or because he is not officially supposed to be there: He is being deported on a charge of murder.) deportar
    * * *
    [dip'ɔ:t] vt 1 deportar, banir, exilar, desterrar, condenar a degredo. 2 comportar-se, portar-se, haver-se, conduzir-se.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > deport

  • 14 extradite

    (to give (someone) up to the police of another country (for a crime committed there).) extraditar
    * * *
    ['ekstr2dait] vt extraditar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > extradite

  • 15 felony

    plural - felonies; noun (a serious crime: He committed a felony.) crime
    * * *
    [f'eləni] n 1 felonia. 2 crime, delito grave.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > felony

  • 16 foul

    1. adjective
    1) ((especially of smell or taste) causing disgust: a foul smell.) ruim
    2) (very unpleasant; nasty: a foul mess.) desagradável
    2. noun
    (an action etc which breaks the rules of a game: The other team committed a foul.) falta
    3. verb
    1) (to break the rules of a game (against): He fouled his opponent.) cometer uma falta
    2) (to make dirty, especially with faeces: Dogs often foul the pavement.) sujar
    * * *
    [faul] n 1 infração, falta, violação das regras estabelecidas nos jogos, prélios, etc., colisão intencionada, golpe ou jogo ilícito, abalroamento. 2 Amer, Sport bola fora, no beisebol. 3 Brit mau tempo, tempo borrascoso, má ventura. • vt+vi 1 sujar(-se), emporcalhar, enlamear, turvar-se, conspurcar, corromper, desonrar, infamar. 2 cometer infração, violar regras estabelecidas. 3 Amer, Sport bater a bola fora, no beisebol. 4 Naut colidir, abalroar. 5 enredar-se, enredar (cabo), encepar, entoucar (âncora). 6 abstruir(-se), entupir(-se), bloquear, entravar. 7 Naut cobrir-se de algas (o casco do navio). • adj 1 sujo, emporcalhado, lodoso, enlameado, poluído, porco, imundo, turvo, impuro, estragado, podre, pútrido, viciado, nocivo, sórdido, asqueroso, repugnante, torpe, indecente, obsceno. 2 malvado, infame, corrompido, vil. 3 contrário às regras, ilícito, irregular, iníquo, ímprobo, desonesto, injusto. 4 abalroado. 5 enredado (cabo). 6 entupido, obstruído. 7 mau, borrascoso. 8 contrário. 9 feio, abominável, repelente, hediondo, odioso, vergonhoso. 10 Amer, Sport (no beisebol) fora. 11 sujo, cheio de erros. 12 desagradável. • adv 1 ilicitamente. 2 traiçoeiramente, perfidamente. by fair means or foul de qualquer maneira, a qualquer preço. one boot was foul of the other um barco abalroou o outro. the chimney is foul a chaminé está obstruída de fuligem. the foul fiend o diabo. through foul and fair aos trancos e barrancos. to fall/ run foul of a) lançar-se sobre. b) Naut colidir com. c) encalhar. d) coll criar caso, desentender-se. to foul up sl estragar, deitar a perder, Brit vulg foder. to hit someone foul dar um golpe ilícito em. to play foul atraiçoar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > foul

  • 17 injustice

    ((an instance of) unfairness or the lack of justice: He complained of injustice in the way he had been treated; They agreed that an injustice had been committed.) injustiça
    - do someone an injustice
    - do an injustice
    * * *
    [indʒ'∧stis] n injustiça. to do someone an injustice fazer injustiça a alguém.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > injustice

  • 18 outrage

    1. noun
    (a wicked act, especially of great violence: the outrages committed by the soldiers; The decision to close the road is a public outrage.) atrocidade
    2. verb
    (to hurt, shock or insult: She was outraged by his behaviour.) insultar
    - outrageously
    - outrageousness
    * * *
    ['autreidʒ] n 1 ultraje, afronta, injúria, indignidade, ofensa. 2 excesso, abuso. • vt 1 ultrajar, insultar, injuriar. 2 exceder-se, abusar. 3 violar, estuprar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > outrage

  • 19 suicide

    1) (the/an act of killing oneself deliberately: She committed suicide; an increasing number of suicides.) suicídio
    2) (a person who kills himself deliberately.) suicida
    - suicidally
    * * *
    [s'u:isaid] n 1 suicídio. 2 suicida. • vt+vi cometer suicídio, matar-se. to commit suicide suicidar-se.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > suicide

  • 20 trial

    1) (an act of testing or trying; a test: Give the new car a trial; The disaster was a trial of his courage.) prova
    2) (a legal process by which a person is judged in a court of law: Their trial will be held next week.) julgamento
    3) (a (source of) trouble or anxiety: My son is a great trial (to me).) tormento
    - on trial
    - trial and error
    * * *
    [tr'aiəl] n 1 julgamento. 2 processo, inquérito judicial. 3 acusação. 4 interrogatório. 5 experimentação, prova, tentativa, ensaio, teste. it proved excellent on trial / provou ser excelente. 7 preocupação, provação, sofrimento, aflição. she was a great trial to us / ela foi um grande peso para nós. 8 privação. 9 esforço, tentativa. • adj 1 relativo ao julgamento judicial. 2 experimental. by the way of trial por meio de prova ou ensaio. on trial como prova, em experiência. they stand (are) on trial for são acusados de. to be committed for trial ser submetido a julgamento. to bring to trial levar à justiça. to give something a trial experimentar alguma coisa. trial and error Math tentativa e erro. trial by jury processo de júri. trial for larcency acusação por roubo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > trial

См. также в других словарях:

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  • committed — UK US /kəˈmɪtɪd/ adjective ► very willing to give your time and energy to something: »The level of the bid shows we are very committed and serious. »Endowment savings plans are for the committed, long term investor. ► FINANCE money that has been… …   Financial and business terms

  • Committed to a Bright Future — Studio album by Dog Fashion Disco Released …   Wikipedia

  • Committed (2005 TV series) — Committed Format Sitcom Created by Eileen Heisler DeAnn Heline Starring Josh Cooke Jennifer Finnigan Darius McCrary Tammy Lynn Michaels Tom Poston Country o …   Wikipedia

  • Committed (2001 TV series) — Committed Genre Animation Written by Michael Fry Voices of Charlotte Arnold Cole Caplan Dave Foley Eugene Levy Country of origin Canada …   Wikipedia

  • Committed Information Rate — or CIR in a Frame relay network is the average bandwidth for a virtual circuit guaranteed by an ISP to work under normal conditions. At any given time the bandwidth should not fall below this committed figure. It is usually expressed in kilobits… …   Wikipedia

  • Committed information rate — or CIR in a Frame relay network is the average bandwidth for a virtual circuit guaranteed by an ISP to work under normal conditions. At any given time, the bandwidth should not fall below this committed figure. The bandwidth is usually expressed… …   Wikipedia

  • committed — adj. 1. Bound or obligated, as under a pledge to a particular cause, action, or attitude. Opposite of {uncommitted}. Note: [Narrower terms: {bound up, involved, wrapped up}; {dedicated, devoted}; {pledged, sworn}] [WordNet 1.5] 2. Associated in… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Committed (TV series) — Committed was a Canadian animated television series that aired on CTV, beginning in 2001. It is currently airing on YTV.It was based on an American comic strip of the same name by Michael Fry, better known for Over the Hedge . Voice actors and… …   Wikipedia

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